Frequently Asked Questions

How far into postpartum can I hire a Postpartum Doula?

We offer our services for up to one year postpartum. It is ultimately up to you how long of a period you would like to use our services.

If I didn’t have a birth doula can I still hire postpartum doula?

Yes! You can have just postpartum services if that is where you need the support. You can also hire us when you feel like you need us. Maybe you don’t think you’ll need postpartum care, but your situation changes, and you could use some extra support, give us a call.

When do postpartum doulas come give support?

Postpartum doulas support you both night and day, depending on your needs. The best part about postpartum doula care is that you get to cater the support to your needs. Have a baby that struggles at night? We can come and offer snuggles while you get some rest. Have multiple kids and need an extra hand around the house while your partner works? We can go and do some light cleaning and hold the baby while you care for other children. Single parent and feel like you haven’t had a shower in weeks? We can come to provide some of the much needed extra support so that you can fill your cup. We come to give support when you need us most and only support you in the ways that you need.

What’s the difference between a postpartum doula and a nanny?

As a postpartum doula, we are not taking care of your children while you work or leave home. That is actually out of our scope of practice. The support that we provide is for you as you heal from birth, transition into this new role, work through postpartum mood disorders, get much-needed sleep, etc. We do not do the job of caring for your children while you are away. Instead, we support you so that your cup is full enough to care for them on your own. It takes a village to raise a baby and a parent. Let us be in your village.

What are some things postpartum doulas do?

As your doula, we can help you sleep by taking the baby throughout the night and either bottle-feeding or bringing them to you for breast/chestfeeding. We can offer basic help with breast/chest feeding. Often, we will hold your baby while you shower or tidy or care for other kids. We can provide assistance with light chores around the house within our practice scope, but we do not deep clean or organize. Mostly, we are a listening ear and shoulder to cry on. We come to you prepared with outside resources and evidence-based research so that we can offer you the best support possible in your transition to postpartum.

When is the best time to hire a doula?

!It is never too early or too late to hire a doula. As your doula, once you hire us, we are available to you 24/7 via text or phone call. You also gain access to our lending library of books about pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. It is best to interview a few doulas to find the doula that is the perfect fit for you and your family. Most doulas offer a free consultation so that you can better get to know them before you hire them, schedule your free consultation with us today!