Hypnobabies® Childbirth Education

For an Educated Pregnancy and Birth

Hypno-What? Hypnobabies®!

Hypnobabies® teaches somnambulistic hypnosis, which is the hypnosis used when highly allergic patients need life-saving surgeries. Not only does Hypnobabies® teach this level of hypnosis, but it is also a complete childbirth education course so that if you take a Hypnobabies® class, you don’t need any other childbirth education courses!

How Successful Is It?

Very Comfortable Births- 70-75% of birthing people report feeling mostly pressure, tightening, or mild sensations.

Comfortable Until Transition- 15% of birthing people report feeling pressure only until the 10-60 minute transitional period, with mild to intense degrees of sensation thereafter. “very manageable”

Comfortable Until Active Labor- 10%, with mild to intense degrees of sensation thereafter This group can have any number of things that affect their birth experiences; prodromal labor, posterior or asynclitic presentations that do not resolve, other labor complications, emotional issues, lack of support, or they simply did not do their homework! (45 minutes a day) Hypnosis for childbirth won’t help a pregnant person or a couple that is not willing to do the work involved in preparing for their baby’s birth.

All birthing people reported that the Relaxation and Fear Clearing in the Hypnobabies® program were invaluable to them during their labors.

Other Benefits

  • Many birthing parents use fewer drugs or no drugs, which means less risk of side effects for you and your baby, due to elimination of the Fear/Tension/Pain Syndrome, and by learning, practicing and using post-hypnotic suggestions.

  • Most Hypno-parents have shorter labors since there is less resistance of the birthing muscles when pain and fear are minimized or eliminated.

  • Hypno-parents generally have much more energy throughout the first and second stage, due to achieving total relaxation throughout the birthing process.

  • The birthing environment is much more calm and peaceful when you, the natural childbirth parent, are comfortable, relaxed, and confident.

  • Breech and posterior babies can be turned using hypnosis.

  • Blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature can be lowered, and nausea, back, and hip pain eliminated with hypnosis during pregnancy and labor.

  • There are fewer interventions for failure to progress and, therefore, fewer complications during labor for our birthing parents and babies.

  • As a Hypnobabies® birthing parent, you are easily “deprogrammed” from the usual negativity of childbirth stories and scenarios you may have heard or read during Hypnobabies® classes and by listening to audio CDs which have positive messages and hypnotic suggestions.

  • Hypnobabies® automatically allows you to have a much more positive attitude and confidence in birthing. It is truly a gift that you are giving yourself, an amazingly easy way to enjoy your pregnancy more and look forward to your baby’s birth.

Tell Me More!

  • Hypnobabies® is a complete six-week course. Each class lasts approximately 3 hours (some run longer, some run shorter) and can accommodate up to 6 birthing families per class.  

  • The best time to take a Hypnobabies® course is between 20-30 weeks of pregnancy. Ideally, this time frame will give you plenty of time to practice your skills and get comfortable with self-hypnosis leading up to your birth, but 34 weeks is the latest you can take a class if you haven’t found us until later in pregnancy. 

Curious about hypnosis?

Download these free Hypno-tracks today:

”What is Hypnobabies Hypnosis for Childbirth?”


”Instantly Calm”

What do we learn?


Week One:

  • Introduction to Hypnosis

  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing

  • Pregnancy anatomy and physiology

  • The Power of words

  • “Becoming A Parent” Week One

  • How your mind works

  • The mind/body connection

  • Demonstrations of Hypnosis (what it is and is not)

  • How fear affects labor

  • Hypnosis script ”Learning Self-Hypnosis”

Week Two:

  • Staying healthy and safe in pregnancy

  • Nutritional guidelines

  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing

  • Benefits of protein in pregnancy

  • Hydration for two

  • Harmful substances and how to avoid them

  • Prenatal sleeping

  • Natural comfort measures in pregnancy

  • ”Becoming A Parent” Week Two

  • Intro to the stages and phases of labor

  • Baby kindness

  • Prenatal exercises

  • Hypnosis script “Creating Anesthesia” and “Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis”

Week Three:

  • Benefits and Risks of your options in pregnancy and childbirth

  • Birth partner’s “Relax and Feel Confident” audio track

  • “Becoming A Parent” Week Three

  • Mindfulness for peaceful birthing

  • The importance of making excellent birthing decisions, the “big secrets”

  • Informed consent and self-advocacy

  • Questions for caregivers

  • Hospital forms and your rights

  • Positive communication

  • Creating your birth preferences

  • Packing your birth bag

  • Touring your birth place

  • Benefits of a doula

  • Abdominal Lift and Tuck

Week Four:

  • Mindfulness for a peaceful birthing

  • “Becoming A Parent” Week Four

  • Your guess date and length of pregnancy

  • Signs of birth beginning

  • True vs False labor

  • How to time your birthing waves

  • When to go to your birth place

  • Comfort and relaxation for the drive and arrival at your birth place

  • Hypno-Guardians

  • Nurses: the unsung heroes

  • Hypnosis for internal exams

  • Dilation, effacement, position, and station of baby

  • The beautiful progress of labor (fast, average, slow, and stalled)

  • Artificial and natural induction techniques

  • Creating a safe and serene birth environment

  • Nausea elimination

  • Optimum fetal positioning

  • Hypnosis Script “Hypnotic Childbirth #2 Deepening your Hypno-anesthesia”

Week Five:

  • Birth partner’s guide

  • Transformation and birth

  • Birth partner’s role during pregnancy

  • Birthing reviewed

  • How a doula can help the birth partner

  • Four pages of verbal birthing cues

  • Physical comfort techniques

  • “Change of Plans” hypnosis script

  • Postpartum choices

  • Fear clearing for childbirth

  • Avoiding a cesarean

  • Mindfulness for a peaceful birthing

  • ”Becoming A Parent” Week Five

  • Hypnosis techniques practice: using hypnosis in the moment, light switch, verbal and physical cues, and moving Hypno-anesthesia around your body.

Week Six:

  • Birthing your baby and beyond

  • An in-depth birth rehearsal using all of your hypnosis techniques, birth balls, walking, positional changes, and Eyes-Open Childbirth Hypnosis. Birth partners practice their Hypno cues and how to help birthing person during their birthing time

  • New mother and baby care: “Becoming A Parent” Week Six

  • Support in the first two weeks postpartum

  • Baby kindness

  • Normal newborn appearance

  • Creating a newborn care plan

  • Breastfeeding overview

  • Attachment parenting

  • Resources

Want the Hypnobabies® experience, but an in-person class isn’t in the cards? The Hypnobabies® Homestudy Course might be your best fit! Same materials but in the comfort of your home on your time!


Looking for inspiration? Watch my two beautiful Hypnobabies® births.